AGA Grassfed Recipes

Buffalo Groves ~ CO ~ AGA Member

Start with a Buffalo Groves Tri Tip Roast

Take the Tri Tip Roast and trim away any connective tissue or silver skin. Take a small can of mandarin oranges and blend lightly in the blender, add 2 tbsp of teriyaki sauce, and ¼ cup of honey (best melted). Marinade your Tri Tip for 1 hour (or more) in this mixture.

Heat up your BBQ (to medium) & put the Tri Tip on the top rack. Baste and turn the roast frequently (say every 10 minutes). Depending on the size of the roast and your BBQ, it may cook from 1½ – 2½ hrs (average 2 hrs). Check it with a meat thermometer and remove it at no more than 140, then let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, before slicing.

A great meal we enjoy with rice and a cool fruit salad. 

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