• The Legal Implications of Food Safety for Grassfed Producers

    At our recent San Diego conference, attorneys Brad Sullivan and Patrick Casey of L+G, LLP gave a presentation about food safety and how to structure your business to avoid losing it all in the case of a food safety issue, one of your own making or due to the mistakes of others — processors, packers, distributors or any other entity in the supply chain.

    They have graciously allowed us to post their Power Point L+G food safety presentation. If you have any questions, you can consult them or your own legal counsel.

  • Why Grassfed Is Best

    We’ve prepared a new one-page document that lays out the arguments for grassfed meats, especially those that are AGA Certified.  if you’re a producer, please feel free to print and distribute to your customers — just be sure to give us credit. You can download the PDF here.

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